About our Products
How does it taste, really?
ORAC’s tea has its own unique flavor. It is a thirst quenching alternative that is crisp, refreshing, and smooth with no bitter after taste. Its flavors are noticeably delicious without overpowering its subtle notes unique to cascara.
How can I know for sure that your ingredients are all natural?
We keep it pure and simple by using natural ingredients: Cascara, Honey, Lemon Juice and pure extracts. Visit “ORAC Beverages- A Healthier Choice to Grab-n-Go” for more info.
You have five flavors now, will there be more?
Yes, we will launch five more flavors of our regular cascara tea.
What is cascara & coffee fruit and how is it beneficial?
Cascara, Spanish for the word “husk”, is the outer shell of the coffee bean. The antioxidant capacity of cascara is higher than most products available with an ORAC value of (343,900), compared to Turmeric (127,068) or wild blueberries (9,621), according to Superfoodly. Visit “What is Cascara” for more info.
What does Cold-Brewed mean?
Cold-brewed means the tea is not steeped in hot water, but rather at room or cold temperature to preserve as many antioxidants as possible.
Why use only honey as a sweetener?
Honey has been nature’s sweetener for centuries. It is the least processed option and created by nature. We use natural ingredients in order to provide a pure taste.
Is there any food coloring in your tea?
There are no artificial colors used in ORAC beverages. The color of the tea is what is naturally produced from brewing the Cascara.
Where does coffee fruit come from?
Coffee fruit comes from regions where coffee is grown, as it is the outer husk of the coffee bean.
Is there potassium in this drink?
Coffee fruit has natural electrolytes and is a natural source of potassium.
Why is this in an aluminum can?
Aluminum is the most recyclable container compared to glass or plastic (PET) bottles. It also allows for more efficient packing and shipping methods, producing less waste and emissions. In order to have as little an impact on the environment as possible we use aluminum. Visit “Aluminum: An ‘Eco-Friendlier’ Choice” for more info.
Is this a healthier alternative to drinking pop/soda?
We use real, simple ingredients that have many positive effects on the body. Visit “ORAC Beverages- A Healthier Choice to Grab-n-Go” for more info.
About Our Company
Why did you call your product ORAC?
ORAC stands for (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). ORAC is a unit of measurement for antioxidant content which was originally developed by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) at the National Institute of Health (NIH). Because the ORAC value of the ingredients used are high, we wanted a name that reflected the intent of the product.
Are you planning on expanding outside of the Minneapolis area?
Yes, we plan to expand outside the Minneapolis area in the near future. Be sure to sign up for our NEWSLETTER for the most up-to-date information.